
A comprehensive assessment of conditions such as prematurity, ADHD, Autism, Medical Conditions, and more.

Neuropsychological Evaluation

Neuropsychological assessment involves investigation of biological, psychological, and contextual factors in producing a comprehensive assessment of functioning. Testing usually includes review of medical or school records, clinical interview, and psychometric testing. It concludes with a feedback session during which we will discuss your results.

A neuropsychological evaluation is a test to measure how well a person’s brain is working. We use up-to-date, standard measures to develop a detailed profile of learning strengths and weaknesses. Our goal is to understand how your child learns best and gain insight into how he processes information and handles tasks compared to peers of the same age.

We carefully review your child’s skills and abilities in many domains, including intellectual functioning and reasoning abilities, learning and memory, visual processing, listening comprehension and verbal expression, and executive skills like planning, organizing, and managing time and materials, attention, and concentration. These are the skills and abilities that are at the core of all aspects. Because of the detailed nature of these evaluations, testing can take up to 6 hrs. The evaluation can be spread over 2 days, if desired.

Psychoeducational Evaluation

We administer reading, spelling, math and writing assessments to see what school skills your child has mastered. We carefully observe how they approach each task and we look at their patterns of performance to see if a learning disability affects their ability to demonstrate what they know. We do not give every child the same tests. Rather, we use our assessment tools to develop a profile of each child’s individual learning needs and strengths and weaknesses.

Fees & Health Insurance Coverage

A comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation is $4,500 including interview, testing, feedback of results, and comprehensive integrated neuropsychological report with diagnoses and recommendations. Insurance is not accepted, however, our services are reimbursable by many insurers. For additional services, such as diagnostic interview, classroom observation, or school consultation please contact our office. For more information, feel free to email us at

Phone: 617-658-4559

Mailing Address:
867 Boylston Street
5th Floor PMB 239
Boston, MA 02115

Office Address:
264 Beacon Street
2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02116